We offer all general corporate services necessary to start and maintain a business.
We will advise you about your entity options in creating a new business including the benefits and drawbacks of a corporation, a Subchapter S election, a limited liability company, a professional services company, a partnership, sole proprietorship or any other business entity type that best meets your needs.
We can assist you in negotiating and documenting your key corporate contracts including employment agreements, financing agreements, credit agreements and other commerce arrangements.
We can act as your general counsel while your business grows and gains steam.
Our firm has a broad and diverse corporate clientele and represent construction companies, small start-up businesses, medical practices, mortgage banking firms, real estate developers, real estate brokers and others.
We are business people who love business and want to see your business succeed.
McCarrey Law PLLC 2215 Midway Lane, Suite 209 Bellingham, WA 98264 360.812.6141 email: LCM@McCarreyLaw.com